First Post

September 10, 2024

This post will mark when I finished creating a basic blogging system for my website. In this post I'll show off what is currently possible and to make sure everything is working.

This is a subheading

The above should contain a stylized subheading. Here is some text with inline styling. I can also write some code with syntax highlighting, this will come in handy when I want to talk about some code in these blog posts so who ever is reading can easily follow along.

// here is a code block. everything here is written in JavaScript.

for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
  if (i % 15 == 0) console.log("FizzBuzz");
  else if (i % 3 === 0) console.log("Fizz");
  else if (i % 5 === 0) console.log("Buzz");
  else console.log(i);

Code blocks with syntax highlighting are incredibly useful and make understanding the code much easier.


The other thing I can do is create lists. The first list will be unordered meaning the order of the items does not matter.

The other type of list is a ordered list where the order of items do matter.

  1. Wake up

  2. Work

  3. Eat

  4. Sleep

That's all

This post covers everything that is currently possible with the blog posts. I do have future ideas of adding images and links to these posts since both can have uses, but for now this is just to confirm everything is working.

Thank you for reading! Can't wait to write some useful posts about my web development journey. :)