
Below is the roadmap I have planned for this site. Once something is completed, I will not return to it until all of the tasks have been completed. I will also not spend any longer than necessary on each task.

The goal is to spend no more than a week on each section of the site.

What & where?

For the design process we will first figure out the content we need to show and then where it should go. Let's review all of the content that we wish to show:

Now that we know what we need, let's figure out where everything should go. Most of the content we have can exist on 3-4 pages.

  1. Home
  2. Blog
  3. Projects?
  4. Contact

The reason why I have a question mark for the projects page is becuase the projects could exist on the home page or on it's own seperate page. I'll decide on this more later when filling out the home page. Right now I think either way works perfectly fine.

Now that I have the what and the where, it's time to get a little more specific. I'll start with the home page.

Home Page

This is the current page that we are on now. Since this is the first page people will see when going to this page needs to breifly outline what this site is about and it must be very intuitive to navigate and understand.

On the home page we can fit the Introduction, Knowledge and tools, either all of the Projects or a small section showcasing the top projects and then a button linking to a page, a section for the most recent blog posts with links to them, and a section to contact me that links to the contact page.

In total, the home page will have 5 sections, the top most will be my introduction and knowledge/tools followed by my projects, recent blog posts, and contact information.

Blog Page

This page will effectively be a generated list of blog posts fetched from a database. The work that needs to be done on this page is actually fairly small, the page that will actually take a lot of time to create is the Dashboard Page

The dashboard page needs to require authentication to view since it will allow me to create blog posts through the site itself. No need to hard code each blog post.

The entire process of creating the blog posts, saving them in a database, and then rendering them in their own pages is a bit daunting but I have already created tests covering each of these steps and even got a semi-working version before. I want to get this set up since I really like the idea of blogging about what I'm working on or learning on my own portfolio.

Projects Page

Regardless of whether I decide on creating a projects section on the home page, putting all of the projects on their own page, or both, each project needs to contain three different things:

  1. Link to a live working version
  2. Link to the code's repository
  3. What and why section about the project

Each project should be fully functional and imitate a real company's webpage and contain the functionality that you would expect. (Like adding items to a shopping cart)

Contact Page

Finally, the contact page. This page will be pretty simple, though I haven't looked too far into creating a page like this before. I fully understand the concept and I've created tests before, so I'm not too worried.